A big welcome from the Governors here at St Augustine’s school.
We are proud to be Governors at a school where our children are cared for, supported and given the confidence to “Love and learn together by growing in friendship with Jesus”.
Our Governing body is a diverse group of volunteers coming from a wide range of backgrounds ranging from the Parish, Education, Engineering, Personnel, Training, Finance and the corporate world.
We are here to give our school its strategic direction and to act as a “critical friend” helping to guide our school to provide the highest standard of education for all our children. We do not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school - that is in the safe hands of Julie, her Senior Management Team and her Staff.
Our Full Governing Body meets once a term and we have termly meetings of committees, which look after:
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Finance and Premises
- Personnel
- Admissions
- The Mission and Strategy Committee is open to any Governor to attend.
We come into school as often as possible to attend Masses and concerts, talk to the pupils and engage in Learning Walks around school; all of which keep us up to speed with what is happening in school.
As parents and guardians your views and opinions are important to the Governing Body, if you want to make me aware of an issue (or want to tell me about something that is working really well) please do so via School or via Mike Stanford, our Parent Governor.
So who are we?
Annie Fuller - Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors
I have been on the Governing Body since 1998; I am chair of Finance/Premises and a member of the Personnel Committee. Both my children attended St Augustine’s school where they were very happy. I am proud to be part of the St Augustine’s school family.
Michael Wakeham - Foundation Governor and Vice Chair
I am Vice Chair of the Full Governing Body and Chair of the Personnel Committee. With both of my children having had the benefit of education at St Augustine’s school, I value the caring and supportive nature of the teaching and non-teaching staff.
Father Dominic Kavanagh - Foundation Governor
I am parish priest at Saint Augustine's Church and have been a Foundation Governor at Saint Augustine's school since 2005. I am very pleased to be part of such an experienced and faithful Governing Body; and to serve such a delightful group of children and parents.
Madeleine Coburn - Foundation Governor
Following a long Teaching career, I have been a Foundation Governor of St Augustine’s School since September 2010. I am Chair of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee and am on the Personnel Committee. My four children attended St Augustine’s and I also have grand children at the school.
Barbara Burgess - Foundation Governor
My commitment to St Augustine’s Governing Body began as a Parent Governor in 2015. This was when my son was at the school. I am now Foundation Governor, with the responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection. I am a member of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee and the Finance/Premises Committee. I am enjoying being able to contribute to the school life in my role as part of our school’s Governing body.
Deacon Kevin - Foundation Governor
I became part of Governing body in January 2019. I was ordained as a Deacon in 2015 to serve the parish of St Augustine's and I am a regular visitor to the school. I have experience of teaching in primary and secondary schools and finished my career in Teacher Training.
Mike Stanford - Parent Governor
I am a Parent Governor, appointed February 2018 and member of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee. I work in Learning and Educational Enhancement and the University of Birmingham. I have a daughter who has moved onto St Peter’s and two sons currently in the school. I hope to make a positive contribution to this excellent school as a member of the Governing Body.
Cath Harwood - Staff Governor
I have worked at St. Augustine’s for 19 years and have been a member of the Governing Body for a number of years. Currently I am a member of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee and the Finance Committee.
Clerk to Governors – Mrs Sue Steward – appointed September 2018.
Vacancies - Local Authority (LA) Governor, Foundation Governor and Parent Governor.