Welcome to St Augustine's Catholic Primary School (part of Our Lady and All Saints Multi-Academy).
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Welcome toSt Augustine's Catholic Primary School


On 30th March 2022, the Department of Education (DfE) withdrew the requirement for schools to provide Remote Education, as children only need to isolate for 3 days if they have tested positive.


On 23rd January 2023, the DfE expect schools to consider remote education only as a last resort. 


Please see the links below to support your child if they are off school with Covid-19. Also, we continue to encourage children to read for pleasure. Choose your favourite book and spend some time reading it! You could draw your favourite character or mark make (write) about it! 


Maths: Number blocks

1 minute maths

Phonics play

Nursery rhymes and songs

General activities


We love and learn together by growing in friendship with Jesus
