Welcome to St Augustine's Catholic Primary School (part of Our Lady and All Saints Multi-Academy).
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Welcome toSt Augustine's Catholic Primary School

School Day

School Day (32.5 hours)


08:45-08:55: Gates open for children to enter school. Handwriting/spelling/Times tables or other tasks will be carried out in the morning.


08:55 - 09:00: Registration and prayers.


09:00: Lessons start 


10:25-10:45: KS1 Break.


11:00-11:20: KS2 Break.


11:45-12:45: Reception and KS1 Lunch

12-12:45: Nursery Lunch

12:30-13:15: KS2 Lunch


15:20: Nursery collection. 

15:25: End of Day for Reception to Year 6 pupils.


All children will be dismissed at the end of the day on to the playground. Please make your way up to the teacher so that they can safely dismiss your child into your care. 


If you need to make alternative arrangements to pick, please let the class teacher know via the home school link book.


Please note: Messages via the office in the afternoon will not always reach the teacher by the end of the school day due to their teaching commitments. 



We love and learn together by growing in friendship with Jesus
