Welcome to St Augustine's Catholic Primary School (part of Our Lady and All Saints Multi-Academy).
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Welcome toSt Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and All Saints Multi-Academy (OLAAS)

"We Are All Saints...Children's Charter."

We are proud to announce the launch of our 'We Are All Saints...Children's Charter' to mark the one-year celebration of the formation of Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Multi Academy Company.


The charter outlines the offer of all schools within the MAC and sits at the heart of our mission to provide high quality Catholic education for all our pupils.  


In the most basic sense, a saint is a “holy one,” someone who is set apart for God’s special purposes. As a result, every follower of Jesus Christ can be a saint. By following the examples of the saints, we will guide, lead and teach our children to emulate their virtuous behaviours and to follow in their footsteps. 


Our charter is arranged into the following principles:  

•All Saints have a love for others, 

•All Saints use their gifts wisely, 

•All Saints are servants of Christ, 

•All Saints are risk takers, 

•All Saints have a love for the world around them. 

The five sections set out a blueprint for the overall offer of experiences that our children and young people can expect to receive as they undertake their journey through each stage of both their primary and secondary school lives, within Our Lady and All Saints Catholic MAC. It seeks to equip them to become active Christian citizens in their communities and across the world. We want every child and young person, following the example of Christ in his likeness and in his Gospel teachings, to leave school fully confident that, not only are they academically fulfilled but they have also experienced a wide range of activities enriching their hearts, minds and souls. 


The principles of our charter will be explored and unpicked at focus points throughout the liturgical year but we’ll also be looking for and celebrating examples of saintly behaviours each and every day. 

Here is the 'We Are All Saints…' Children's Charter booklet PDF to Flipbook


We look forward to embedding the Children’s Charter offer for all of our pupils at St Augustine's Catholic Primary School. 


“The saints were not superheroes, nor were they perfect. When they recognised God’s love, they followed it and served others."  Pope Francis 

* Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School

* Our Lady of Compassion Catholic Primary School

* Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Primary School

* Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School

* St Andrew’s Catholic Primary School

* St Anne’s Catholic Primary School

* St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School

* St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School

* St Edward’s Catholic Primary School
* St George & St Teresa Catholic Primary School

* St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School

* St Peter’s Catholic School

* St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary School

Central Team

Peter Davis, Catholic Senior Executive Leader (CSEL)

Dan Beard, Chief Financial Operating Officer (CFOO)

Dalveer Youssef, Head of HR & Payroll

Marie Conway, School Improvement Director

Laura Grice, Governance Lead


Frances Murphy, Interim Business & Finance Consultant

Gemma Horton, Interim Estates Lead

Theresa Pugh, Facilities Manager

Ellen Osborne, Interim Safeguarding Consultant


Vacancy, MAC Business Manager and Compliance Lead


Dawn Price, Senior Finance Manager

Michael Britton, Schools Management Accountant

Kimberley Cooper,  Purchase Ledger Clerk

Zak Moreira, Finance Apprentice

Jenni Pate, HR Business Partner

Linda Skingsley, HR and Payroll


Sue Lowry, Administrator

Cecile Lee, Administrator

Board of Directors

Paul Bentley, Chair of Board of Directors

Harold Hands, Vice-Chair of Board of Directors

Stuart Plimmer, Vice-Chair of Board of Directors 

Robert Brownrigg

Mary Johnson

Clare Madden 

Mike O’Reilly

We love and learn together by growing in friendship with Jesus
